Disaster-Proof Your Home: 6 Ways to Prepare for Natural Disasters

Posted by Dave Kotler on Thursday, May 4th, 2023 at 10:42am.

How to Prepare for Natural DisastersHaving a well-stocked emergency supplies list is essential for homeowners to be prepared in the event of a natural disaster. Disasters can strike at any moment, and being ready with essential items can make all the difference in keeping your family safe.

Here are some common types of natural disasters that commonly occur in Canada, as well as guidance on what to include in an emergency supplies list. Learn how to prepare your home for a natural disaster, as well as what to include in an emergency kit and how best to store your emergency supplies so they are easily accessible when needed.

Common Types of Natural Disasters in Canada

Canada is no stranger to natural disasters, with a variety of events impacting homes and communities across the country. Understanding the most common types of disasters can help you better prepare your home and family for potential emergencies. Some prevalent natural disasters in Canada include:

  • Floods: Flooding is one of the most frequent and costly natural hazards in Canada, affecting various regions each year. Heavy rainfall, snowmelt, or ice jams can lead to overflowing rivers and lakes that damage property and infrastructure. Learn more about flood risks in your area.
  • Wildfires: Wildfires are a growing concern due to climate change, especially during hot summer months when dry conditions increase fire risk. British Columbia has experienced some devastating wildfires in recent years; learn how to protect your home from this hazard by visiting BC's official wildfire prevention website.
  • Tornadoes: Although not as common as floods or wildfires, tornadoes still pose a threat to certain areas within the country—particularly throughout central provinces like Ontario and Quebec. For tips on preparing for tornadoes, visit Environment Canada's comprehensive guide on their website: "Tornado Safety Tips".
  • Hurricanes & Storm Surges: The Atlantic coast is vulnerable to hurricanes, which bring heavy rain, strong winds, and storm surges. Coastal communities in provinces like Nova Scotia and Newfoundland should be prepared for these events by staying informed about hurricane forecasts from the Canadian government.
  • Earthquakes: While not as frequent as other disasters, earthquakes can still cause significant damage to homes and infrastructure. British Columbia is particularly susceptible due to its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire; learn more about earthquake safety at PreparedBC's website.

Taking steps to prepare for these natural disasters will help protect your home investment while ensuring you have a plan in place when emergencies arise. One way to prepare is by having an emergency kit ready. This kit should include items such as non-perishable food, water, a first aid kit, flashlights, and a battery-powered radio. Be sure to check your kit regularly to ensure all items are up-to-date and in working order.

It is essential to be cognizant of the potential dangers posed by different natural disasters, as their intensity and effects can vary significantly. Creating an emergency supplies list that includes items necessary for survival during a disaster is essential to be prepared for any situation.

Preparing Your Home for a Natural Disaster

Protecting your home from the potential impacts of natural disasters is essential no matter where you live, as it can reduce damage and help mitigate safety hazards that appear due to damage caused by environmental disasters.. Take preventive action to reduce destruction and guarantee your loved ones and possessions remain safe during an unexpected event. Here are some key measures to consider:

Create a Home Inventory

Having a detailed inventory of your belongings will help you assess damages after a disaster and make insurance claims more manageable. You can use apps or online tools to create an organized list with photos.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Natural disasters can strike at any time and without warning, leaving people vulnerable and helpless. That's why it's essential to have an emergency kit at hand to help you survive the aftermath of such an event. Not only can an emergency kit provide a sense of security, but it can also be a lifesaver in dire situations.

An emergency kit should contain basic supplies such as non-perishable food, bottled water, and a water purifier. This can be crucial, as access to these basic necessities can become disrupted during disasters. In addition, having a first aid kit in your emergency kit can be crucial in treating minor injuries while waiting for professional medical care.

Flood-Proof Your Property

  • Elevate appliances: Raise electrical outlets, switches, wiring, heating systems, and major appliances above expected flood levels.
  • Install a sump pump: Install sump pumps with battery backup systems to prevent basement flooding.
  • Landscape wisely: Grade your yard away from the foundation and install swales or French drains if necessary.

Mitigate Wildfire Risks

In areas prone to wildfires like Kelowna, it's crucial to take precautions such as creating defensible space around your home by clearing flammable vegetation within at least a 10-meter (30-foot) radius. Also, consider using fire-resistant materials for roofing and siding when building or renovating homes in wildfire-prone regions (source).

Retrofit Your Home for Earthquakes

For homes in earthquake-prone areas, retrofitting can help minimize damage. This may include securing your home to its foundation to help keep your home anchored in place and prevent foundation damage, bracing cripple walls with plywood, and installing flexible connections for gas lines.

Prepare for Power Outages

Investing in a backup generator or solar panels will help ensure you still have power during an emergency. Additionally, keep flashlights and extra batteries on hand so you're not left in the dark when disaster strikes. Having a battery backup for essential electronics like phones and medical equipment can also help to ensure your household stays safe, healthy, and able to access urgent broadcasts from local news stations.

What to Include in an Emergency Supplies Kit

Creating a comprehensive emergency kit is crucial for preparing for natural disasters in Canada. The following essential items should be included in your emergency supplies list:

  • Non-perishable food and water: Stock up on at least three days' worth of canned goods, dried fruits, nuts, and other non-perishable foods. Ensure you have enough bottled water for each family member - approximately four litres per person per day. More extensive kits may include rations for up to 14 days per person.
  • First aid kit: Gather bandages, gauze pads, adhesive tape, scissors, tweezers, antiseptic wipes or solution (e.g., hydrogen peroxide), pain relievers (e.g., ibuprofen), and any necessary prescription medications for a comprehensive first aid kit.
  • Flashlights and extra batteries: Keep flashlights readily available throughout your home along with extra batteries to ensure you can navigate safely during power outages.
  • Clothing and blankets: Pack warm clothing such as jackets, hats, gloves, thermal underwear, rain gear, sturdy shoes or boots, blankets, or sleeping bags to keep everyone comfortable regardless of the weather conditions outside.

In addition to these essentials, your emergency supplies list should also include:

  1. A battery-powered or hand-crank radio: Stay informed about updates from local authorities during emergencies by having access to news broadcasts without relying on electricity.
  2. Personal hygiene items: Include soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine supplies, and other personal care products.
  3. A multi-tool or Swiss Army knife: These versatile tools can be invaluable in various situations during a disaster.
  4. Copies of important documents: Keep copies of identification cards, insurance policies, and other essential paperwork in waterproof containers.

By assembling an emergency kit with these supplies on hand, you'll be better prepared to face any natural disasters that may occur. Remember to check your kit regularly and replace expired items as needed.

Having an emergency supplies list ready can help you be prepared in the event of a natural disaster. To ensure your home is fully protected, it's wise to take the necessary precautions by following the steps outlined in the subsequent section.

Storing Your Emergency Supplies

Proper storage of your emergency supplies is crucial to ensure they remain in good condition and are easily accessible when needed. Here are some tips on how to store your emergency supplies effectively:

  1. Choose a cool, dry location: Store your emergency kit in an area that is free from moisture and temperature fluctuations, such as a basement or closet. This will help prevent damage to the items inside.
  2. Avoid direct sunlight: Sunlight can cause certain items, like food and water, to degrade more quickly. Position your emergency items away from any windows or areas where they may be subjected to direct sunlight.
  3. Use durable containers: Invest in high-quality plastic bins with tight-fitting lids for storing your supplies. Secure containers with tight-fitting lids are a must for protecting emergency supplies from pests, moisture, and dust while also making them easily accessible.
  4. Create an inventory list: Make a detailed list of all the items in your emergency kit along with their expiration dates if applicable. Update this list regularly as you replace expired or used items so that you always know what's available during an emergency situation.
  5. Ensure easy accessibility: Make sure that everyone in the household knows where the emergency kit is stored so they can quickly grab it during an evacuation or crisis situation.

In addition to these general guidelines, consider specific storage needs based on potential natural disasters common in your area. For example, if flooding is a concern, store essential documents (e.g., insurance policies) inside waterproof bags within sealed plastic bins. You might also want multiple smaller kits throughout different parts of your home to increase accessibility during an emergency.

For more information on preparing for natural disasters in Canada, visit the Government of Canada's Get Prepared website.

Natural Disaster & Emergency Supplies FAQ

What should be included in an emergency supplies list?

In an emergency supplies kit, include items such as water, non-perishable food, a flashlight with extra batteries, a first aid kit, medications and prescriptions, important documents (copies), cash or traveler's checks, clothing, and blankets. Also, consider personal hygiene products and any specific needs for family members or pets.

What should you have stocked for an emergency?

You should stock up on essentials like water (one gallon per person per day), non-perishable food items (minimum three-day supply), flashlights with extra batteries, and a battery-powered radio for updates during the disaster situation. Additionally, have a well-stocked first aid kit and necessary medications available.

What are three of the FEMA-suggested emergency food supplies?

FEMA suggests having at least a three-day supply of non-perishable foods that require no refrigeration or cooking. Three examples include canned meats, fish, poultry, beans, soups, stews, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, granola bars, crackers, multigrain cereals, dried fruits, jerky, trail mix, and baby formula if needed.

What is a 72-hour survival kit?

A 72-hour survival kit contains essential items to help you survive during the critical initial period after a disaster strikes. It includes basic necessities like water bottles, filter tablets, non-perishable foods, emergency lighting sources, warm clothes, personal hygiene products, a small toolset, a portable phone charger, a whistle, local maps, and a signaling mirror.

Prepare for Natural Disasters & Get Peace of Mind

In the end, being prepared for potential natural disasters is essential. By creating an emergency supplies list and kit, you can ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones during these situations. It is also crucial to prepare your home ahead of time by securing loose items and having a plan in place.

Remember to store your emergency supplies in a safe location that is easily accessible. Being prepared can make all the difference when facing an unexpected disaster.

Dave Kotler

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