October 2017

Found 2 blog entries for October 2017.

5 Tips to Improving a Home's Energy EfficiencyNo one wants to overspend on their power bills, but investing in new equipment or making drastic changes to a home may seem like it's not worth the hassle or the expense. However, not all steps are difficult to complete and homeowners might be surprised at just how far technology has advanced when it comes to energy efficiency. It's almost always better to make the effort to begin a home improvement project to remodel and upgrade the preexisting systems rather than keeping the current systems as is.

Better Attic Insulation

Homeowners are losing about 35 percent of their air (whether hot or cold) through their walls. This is always going to be frustrating for owners who would rather not pay to heat or cool the outside air. There really isn't

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Home Improvements to Draw Buyer AppealSelling a home requires investigating what buyers are looking for, so that the home meets their needs and earns an ideal sale price. These five popular home improvements help sellers compete on the market and sell their homes as quickly as possible, even in hot markets like McKinley Landing.

Storage and Closet Space

Storage of various types ranks consistently near the top of buyer preferences. It may come as a surprise that buyers would be more willing to compromise on the size of the home, than they are to give up effective storage options. Specifically, buyers list a walk-in closet as a “must-have” for a home they are considering. If this is not a reasonable option for a home improvement, storage options in general are also ideal. Custom

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